Category Archives: publications

Bhakti-highest form of love

What is love-cannot be defined. It has different meanings for different people. It is understood as gratification of the senses, an emotion, fulfilment of duty, sacrifice, devotion etc. What we all know is that love has power. Love has a … Continue reading

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Every effect has a cause

Why is a baby born without eyes or without the hearing ability? Why is a baby born with a damaged brain or with two heads? Why is a baby born with an angelic look? Why are there so many differences? … Continue reading

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Cry for catharsis

There is a store of anger, hatred, jealousy, frustration, repentance, greed etc. in your mind. It stores a lot of pain like separation from school friends, teachers, houses and cities, pain and repentance of leaving subjects of your choice because … Continue reading

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Vanita – December, 2011 Pleasant Sleep

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Vanita – November, 2011 Headache

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Vanita – October 2011 Mouth Ulcer

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Vanita – September 2011 Muscular Cramps

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Vanita – August 2011 Nasal Bleeding

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Devotion should be absolute

Your devotion for God should be absolute. Devotion means firm love for Him. Devotion means total surrender to His lessons of love, compassion and not hurting others. Devotion should never disappear if sufferings fall on you. If devotion changes then … Continue reading

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July – 2011 Night Shift

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Vanita – June 2011 Diarrhoea

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Bhakti-highest form of love

What is love-cannot be defined. It has different meanings for different people. It is understood as gratification of the senses, an emotion, fulfilment of duty, sacrifice, devotion etc. What we all know is that love has power. Love has a … Continue reading

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Indian ancient science of Yoga

Yoga is an Indian ancient science which is useful even today for people of any age, religion, country or in any profession. It is a science related to the body, mind and soul. It is not merely a set of … Continue reading

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Indian ancient science of Pran therapy or Aura healing (also known as Pranic healing or Reiki healing)

Aura healing or Pran therapy is an Indian ancient yogic science of preventing and curing physical or psychological ailments by healing subtle bodies. It was discovered several thousand years ago in India during Vedic culture. It is extremely helpful in … Continue reading

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Vanita May 2011 Healthy Eyes

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Vanita – April 2011 Sneezing

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Ahimsa (Compassion) – a precious quality

Nature has a divine virtue of compassion hidden in it. It only gives and expects nothing in return. The sun gives light, heat and Pran. The moon cools, clouds give water. Plants and trees give food, aroma, medicines etc. These … Continue reading

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Vanita – March 2011 Constipation

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Vanita – February 2011 Relief from Hyperacidity

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Vanita – January 2011 Hair Falling

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Japa is done by Mind and not Mouth

Everyone in the world starts repeating /chanting the name of God every morning, throughout their life and they call it Japa (chanting). They understand it as remembering God. But this is a wrong way of remembering. God has no name … Continue reading

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Develop Gratitude

God has created the sun, moon, earth, plants etc. for the soul to seek pleasure from them. For this, He has given the soul a body and a mind with sensory powers and sensory organs. The sun keeps giving heat … Continue reading

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